Majority of the voice changes occurs at the puberty stage. The voice change normally occur years before the growth of meaningful facial hair. The puberty stage causes the voice to deepen. The widest change in your voice begins at the puberty stage and ends at the age of 18. The adult growth stops at about 3 years after the age of 18. Majority of the vocal upgrading happens when one reaches the age of 20. This, thereby changes the sound of the pitch of one’s voice.
The voice of the male gender becomes thick in 8 folds, while that of the female gender becomes thick in 3 folds. When an adolescent grows into an adult, their voice tends to change. Majority of the voices of the male gender increases to an high pitch while the female gender voices goes on a low pitch.
As one ages, so does the voice change. What results to an high pitched voice is as a result of the vocal cord being too lengthened by the misfit of the voice to grow into the thickness of the vocal box during the puberty stage. The moment one leaves the puberty stage, their voices becomes more or less alike for over 40 years. There is a sign that is known to be visible as one ages, it is known as Presbyphonia.
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Does Your Voice Change After 18

The voice changes occurs twice jn life. The first is as a result of the hormonal changes. The second is as a result of old age. It is important to pay attention to the changes in your voice.
At he puberty stage, unexpected cracks in the voice happens. It changes the voice drastically. Later in life, as one grows older into a matured adult, other changes tends to occur like the straining of the voice. Straining of the voice that usually occur in older men and women may also call for medical help as well. For this reason, it is of paramount importance to always pay close attention to the changes that occurs in your voice as you age.
The Changes Of Voice At The Puberty Stage
The puberty stage is a stage in one’s life when the private parts begins to develop. At this stage, they begin to grow into young men and women. The puberty stage in boys usually occur at the age of 12 and 16, while that of the ladies occurs at the ages of 10 and 14. An important development of the puberty stage is the thickness of the voice.
The first sign that the female gender notices at the puberty stage is the development of the breast. The male gender on the other hand notices an enlargement of the penis also known as the testicles.
During this process, the voice begins to thicken. The puberty changes in girls is usually visible than that of the boys. The voice of the ladies becomes lower while that of the male becomes more thicker. The development of the voice in a girl child takes about a year. At the age of 17, the female’s voice becomes completely stable.
Before a child gets to the puberty stage, the larynx which is located at the neck gets to the height of he neck. As one undergoes the stage of puberty, the voice which is also known as the larynx, develops and goes down the neck.
The Changes In The Voice At The Stage Of Adulthood
One’s voice tends to change for two reasons.
- As a result of the vocal box that Energizes or boost the voice.
- A Detriment in one’s mental issue.
- As A Result Of The Vocal Box That Energizes The Voice.
The main cause of the change in voice as one ages is as a result of the aging of the vocal box that boost the voice. As one ages, the body parts begins to weaken, the linking of the voice becomes stagnant and the vocal cord also loose the muscle tone and dry out. At times, the muscles of the voice tends to become weak. The lungs also becomes weak and stagnant and the ribs thin.
All of these health issues causes the weakening of the voice as one ages.
- A Detriment In One’s Mental Status.
Voice changes sometimes seems to point out to an health catastrophe. An example of such health catastrophe may include tiredness and fatigue. The voice has the tendency to change if one of the vocal cords does not perform its duties anymore.
Treatment That Makes One’s Voice Sound Better
The Vocal Cord Microsurgery.
The vocal cord microsurgery is a cure for vocal cord problems.
. The Voice Implantation.
This is a treatment carried out to normalize the vocal cords.
The Voice Fold Injection.
The voice fold injection is the treatment being diagnosed to boost the vocal cord.
Having taken all of these treatments, one’s mental health tends to improve.
The Exact Stage For The Development Of Singing Voice
The size of one’s vocal cord determines the sound of one’s voice. Despite the fact that you cannot totally change your voice from an increased pitch to a low pitch, there are ways you can try to make little alteration to your pitch to enhance the quality in your natural voice. They include;
- Holding Your Nose As You Speak.
A fast way to change the sound of your voice is to grasp your nose, whether on one side or the both. You can also change the sound of your voice by preventing breath from gaining entrance into your nose. As you speak, air flow tends to go through your mouth and nose. Preventing air from entering your nose stops the amount of air that comes out from the nose and makes additional air to be stuck in your lungs.
- Speak In Monotone.
Some people use emotions when signing. They tend to put in all of their body and soul into it. Pay attention to keeping a flat tone as you speak. The rate at which you use emotions to speak determines how you speak. The most easiest way to notice the distinctiveness in your voice is by asking a question. When asking a question, your voice tends to rise.
- Put Your New Accent Into Practice.
Choose an accent that excites you and study the way it changes from the way you speak. Accent differs, so you need to get to know the quirks of each of the accent before speaking the accent with confidence.
- Make Use Of The Advancement Of Your Phone.
The technology voice changer application on phone makes you record your voice into your cellphone and also make use of a filter that changes the sound of one’s voice. There are other free applications on phone that you can make do with.
- Make Use Of Voice Chamber.
Devices in voice changers prove difficult to find in super stores but can be bought online. Each of the voice changing devices performs differently, so it is important you choose the exact type you want. Some technological devices calls for pre- recording while others can be used to change your voice as you speak. Follow the instructions in the voice changer devices so as to make use of it properly and carefully.
- Have An Idea Of The Way You Sound.
The best way to know how to sound is to record yourself so as to know the step to take. You should not only make a record of yourself singing but you should also take a record of yourself talking as well.
- Avoid Talking Through Your Nose.
Stop using a nasally voice when talking. This type of voice tends to be difficult to understand. To prevent using a nasal voice, do the following;
- Learn to leave your mouth wide open when speaking.
- Ensure that your breathing passages are clear. If your nasal passages are blocked, your voice tends to be stunted. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep your respiratory system clear and free from blockage.
- Alter Your Pitch.
The pitch is the increase or decrease in the tone of one’s voice. The human voice has the ability to produce sound in different pitches. Ensure you speak in a higher pitch or even a lower pitch to alter your voice. A pitch is changed in a wide part. Increasing your laryngeal cartilage increases the highness and forms a more feminine sound. Likewise decreasing the larynx cartilage also decreases the highness.
Before speaking in a lower voice, exercise the throat by yawning. When the mouth is wide open, you will see that the voice is more deep.
- Put Singing Into Practice.
Singing with a vocal instrument in place is a great idea to maximize the rate of your voice. Anytime you get to sing, link the pitch of main singer as near as possible in the absence of straining your voice. Go over the scale again minimizing your starting pitch by one note the moment your voice begins to strain.
Physical Stages Of Puberty In Boys And Girls
The body changes that occurs in the stage if puberty have different ways in boys and girls. At times, the first sign of puberty for a girl child is the development of breast buds that shows at about 11 years, then comes the growth of hair in the armpit. The girls also start their periods.
Boys develop a deeper voice and facial hair becomes obvious. It is normal for puberty to start at any point from the ages of about 8 to 14. The process of the growth take longer than 3 years. There might also be growth of hair on the legs and arms.
Later Signs Of Puberty In Girls
- After two years of the beginning of puberty, girls normally have their period
- The hair in their pubic parts becomes curlier.
- They begin to grow hair in the armpit and also at the top lip.
Conclusion: Does Your Voice Change After 18
At the puberty stage, the body changes in boys and girls different. Everything that we have talked about in this post has explained in details what the changes looks like in a boy and girl with respect to singing. You can identify these changes in your kids when the time comes.
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